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  • FORVIA announces partnership for App Integration with Mercedes-Benz

FORVIA announces partnership for App Integration with Mercedes-Benz

man driving a car wearing wrist watch

Some Background

Aptoide is an alternative Android Store (Alternative to the Google Play Store that is). In 2019, Faurecia (an automotive Tier1 supplier) joined forces with Aptoide, to commercialize a version of their app store for the automotive industry. They describe it as a 50/50 venture. An app store includes features of managing developers, providing a backend solution for rolling out and pulling back apps to vehicles in the field, much like the smartphone world.

Partnership with Mercedes-Benz

What makes this partnership interesting is that, Mercedes have their, arguably, the best in-car infotainment system in the passenger car industry, the MBUX. Despite having the large volumes to make a valid business case, Mercedes still choose to outsource this part of their ecosystem. Bringing in the needed domain experience. Definitely makes sense. In the automotive industry we are not trying to solve the app ecosystem problem, as it has been already “solved” in the smartphone world already. The novel part of the problem is unlocking new use-cases in and around the vehicle that can enable newer subscription and service based business models in the future.