Battery Passports

Batteries are forecasted to be the single-most manufactured new product in the coming decade. It is an imperative for all parties, the governments, automotive companies and customers to lay down a foundational.

Supply chain traceability is key for many reasons

  • Shortages from preventing vicious cycles, better forecasting, better preventive and post actions by all parties

  • Supply chains are becoming matters of national and international security.

  • Integrity of supply chains are critical to ensure quality and trueness of a product all the way from it's raw materials.

  • Better regulations and monitoring of what is crossing borders both for the countries exporting raw materials and for countries importing the finished product.

The most recent regulation that came into action is part of the inflation reduction act passed in US. Strict supply chain requirements are set to improve the manufacturing landscape in the US. The EU also has laid out a battery regulation that comes into effect in less than 24 months.

Incidentally, a blockchain could exactly help solve this problem. And that is what companies like Circulor 

brown green and blue round buttons

has set out to achieve. They help manufacturers like Volvo and Tesla to trace their supply chains to avoid child labor and track carbon emissions.

This is where battery passports come into picture. just like how we have passports to ID ourselves while travelling and otherwise. A digital identity is create at the source of the mining process, that is traced throughout the journey of that material to it's final form.